District updates Strategic Water Management Plan

HAVANA – The Governing Board of the Northwest Florida Water Management District on Thursday approved the annual update to the District’s Strategic Water Management Plan.

The plan maintains the District’s priorities identified last year and is consistent with the District’s Fiscal Year 2016-2017 adopted budget. The priorities are:

  • Springs Protection and Restoration: Protect and restore water quality and flows within the major spring systems of northwest Florida.
  • Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin: Protect Apalachicola River and Bay water quality and freshwater inflow.
  • Minimum Flows and Minimum Water Levels (MFLs): Develop and implement science-based MFLs that protect water resources and associated natural systems.
  • Water Supply: Ensure sufficient water is available for all existing and future reasonable-beneficial uses and natural systems.
  • Watershed Protection and Restoration: Protect and restore watershed resources and functions.
  • Flood Protection and Floodplain Management: Maintain natural floodplain functions and minimize harm from flooding.

For each of these priorities, the Strategic Water Management Plan outlines accomplishments, funding sources, deliverables, and milestones on a five-year horizon.

In addition to the strategic plan itself, the public is encouraged to participate in the development of other functional components of the plan which include regional water supply plans, the Florida Forever Land Acquisition Work Plan, surface water improvement and management plans, and District rules.

The District’s updated Strategic Water Management Plan can be viewed here.