Water Management Plans

Strategic Water Management Plan

The Northwest Florida Water Management District Strategic Water Management Plan (SWMP) presents the agency’s strategic priorities consistent with statutory areas of responsibility and identifies goals, strategies, success indicators, funding sources, deliverables, and milestones for the next five-year planning horizon. A separate Annual Work Plan Report on the strategic plan’s implementation is submitted each year with the District’s March 1 Consolidated Annual Report. The SWMP is reviewed and updated annually as needed based on progress of implementation as well as direction from the Governing Board and input from the public.

The Fiscal Year 2024-25 Strategic Water Management Plan was approved at the District’s Governing Board meeting on September 12, 2024.

If there are any questions or comments about this plan or to provide input toward the development of future plans, please contact Jerrick Saquibal at Jerrick.Saquibal@nwfwater.com or (850) 539-5999.

Strategic Water Management Plans