Water Projects Priorities Database

Water Project Priorities in Northwest Florida

To better understand the scale and scope of community water resource priorities across northwest Florida, the District asked local communities and utilities to identify potential water projects. Projects could be conceptual plans or “shovel ready.” Types of water projects include:

  • Water supply development for traditional and alternative water supply development
  • Water conservation that results in quantifiable efficiencies and water savings
  • Springs or watershed restoration protecting water quality and/or flows or levels
  • Stormwater retrofits or upgrades improving water quality and/or flood protection
  • Wastewater retrofits or upgrades to protect natural systems, e.g. watersheds and receiving waters

Projects submitted have been incorporated into a comprehensive District Water Project Priorities Database.

Database Goal and Objectives

The goal of Water Project Priorities Database is to have a comprehensive list of water projects in anticipation of potential future funding opportunities. Objectives are:

  1. To assist in a coordinated and cooperative effort among funding entities interested to support water projects in northwest Florida communities
  2. To consider local needs and priorities in water resource policy and planning

How to Submit Water Projects   

Water projects may be submitted to the District at any time. General information required includes: project name, applicant, project manager name and contact information, project description, project type (stormwater, springs, etc.), water resource benefits, project schedule including phases (if applicable), and budget including committed match funding and requests to other funding sources. No specific form is required; however, a template is available here.

Projects may be submitted:

Northwest Florida Water Management District
Attention: Water Project Priorities Database
81 Water Management Drive, Havana, FL 32333

Submitting water projects to the District Water Project Priorities Database is not a request for grant funding. In case future funds become available, the District will provide notice of funding availability through email, advertisement on the District’s website (nwfwater.com), and in the Florida Administrative Register (www.flrules.org).

The projects database may also be used as a first look to match eligible projects with potentially available funding sources as well as to help respond to legislative and executive requests on potential funding priorities.

For more information, contact Jerrick Saquibal at (850) 539-5999 or Jerrick.Saquibal@nwfwater.com.