Devils Swamp Mitigation Bank

Devils Swamp Mitigation Bank (Private) / St. Andrew Bay and Choctawhatchee Bay Watersheds / Bay and Walton Counties

The Devils Swamp Mitigation Bank (DSMB) is privately owned and operated by the St. Joe Company.  The approximate service area for the DSMB, as indicated by federal and state permits, is shown in the Google Map above (boundaries are not guaranteed).  Any questions regarding this mitigation bank should be directed to either St. Joe or their authorized representatives.*

FDEP Mitigation Bank Permit (Modification 9/17/2010)

DSMB Federal MBI (12 MB)


*April Wilkes, The St. Joe Company, 133 S. WaterSound Pkwy., WaterSound, FL  32413; ph. 850-231-6435;

function initMap() { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), { zoom: 9, center: {lat: 30.43, lng: -87.95}, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE }); var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer({ url: '', map: map }); }