Private Mitigation Banks

(Private wetland mitigation banks in northwest Florida)

There are currently nine private wetland mitigation banks in northwest Florida.

Bear Creek Mitigation Bank

Breakfast Point Mitigation Bank

Devils Swamp Mitigation Bank

Garcon Peninsula Mitigation Bank

Horseshoe Mitigation Bank

Nokuse Plantation Mitigation Bank

Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank

St. Marks Mitigation Bank

Sweetwater Mitigation Bank

The combined mitigation service areas (MSAs) of private banks currently cover approximately 1/3 of the NWFMWD jurisdiction.  Federal and state permitting authorities decide when mitigation banks may be used as offsetting mitigation for a given impact.  In accordance with section 373.4137, Florida Statutes, the NWFWMD provides mitigation options to FDOT only when use of a private mitigation bank is not feasible.  Any questions regarding the current status of a mitigation bank should be directed to the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or the individual bank.

Mitigation Banks in Florida (FDEP Website)

US Army Corps of Engineers (Regulatory In-Lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System Website)

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