Applications & Forms


Joint Application for Individual And Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit/Authorization to Use State-Owned Submerged Lands/Federal Dredge and Fill Permit (62-330.060(1))

Section A -General Information

Section C – Supplemental Information for Works or Other Activities In, On, or Over Wetlands or Other Surface Waters

Section E – Supplemental Information Required for Works or Other Activities Involving a Water Management System (Other Than a Single Family Project)

Section H – Supplemental Information for Stormwater Management Systems for Mines

Section I – Supplemental Information for State 404 Program Permits

Attachments 1-3: Joint Application Form Instructions, Agency Contacts, and Application Fees

Deed of Conservation Easement Forms

Deed of Conservation Easement, Standard (62-330.301(8))

Deed of Conservation Easement , Standard, With Third Party Beneficiary (62-330.301(9))

Deed of Conservation Easement – Passive Recreational Uses (62-330.301(10))

Deed of Conservation Easement – Riparian Uses (62-330.301(11))

Deed of Conservation Easement for Local Governments (62-330.301(12))

Deed of Conservation Easement with Third Party Beneficiary Rights to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (62-330.301(13)

Other Forms

Request for Verification of an Exemption (62-330.050(1))

Notice of Intent to Construct a Minor Silvicultural System (62-330.0511(1))

Recorded Notice of Environmental Resource Permit (62-330.090(1))

Petition for a Formal Determination of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters (62-330.201(1))

Performance Bond To Demonstrate Financial Assurance for Mitigation (62-330.301(1))

Irrevocable Letter of Credit to Demonstrate Financial Assurance for Mitigation (62-330.301(2))

Standby Trust Fund Agreement to Demonstrate Financial Assurance for Mitigation (62-330.301(3))

Trust Fund Agreement to Demonstrate Financial Assurance for Mitigation (62-330.301(4))

Escrow Agreement (62-330.301(5))

Guarantee Bond To Demonstrate Financial Assurance for Mitigation (62-330.301(6))

Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (62-330.301(14))

Declaration of Restrictive Covenants – Insert (62-330.301(15))

Temporary Easement for Construction Access (62-330.301(16))

Permanent Access Easement (62-330.301(17))

As-Built Certification and Request for Conversion to Operational Phase (62-330.310(1))

Request For Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit to the Perpetual Operation Entity (62-330.310(2))

Construction Completion and Inspection Certification for Activities Associated With a Private Single-Family Dwelling Unit (62-330.310(3))

Operation and Maintenance Inspection Certification (62-330.311(1))

Regional Stormwater Management System Annual Report (62-330.311(2))

Request to Transfer Permit (62-330.340(1))

Construction Commencement Notice (62-330.350(1))

Emergency Field Authorization (62-330.360(1))

Notice of Intent to Use an Environmental Resource General Permit (62-330.402(1))

Signature Certification for General Permit

Agreement to Maintain Public Access (62-330.417(1))

Agreement to Maintain Public Access and Operate Stormwater System (62-330.417(2))

Applicant’s Handbooks, Appendices, and References and Design Aids

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume I (including Appendices A-D)

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume I (including Appendices E-K)

References and Design Aids for Applicant’s Handbook, Volume I

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II (including Appendices A-D)

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II (including Appendices E-F)

NEW Applicant’s Handbook II Design Aids

References and Design Aids for Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II

Operating Agreements

Operating Agreement Between the District and DEP

Operating Agreement Between the District and the Army Corps of Engineers


“NEW” Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., Environmental Resource Permitting

Chapter 373.406, F.S., Exemptions

Chapter 403.813, F.S., Permits Issued at District Centers; Exceptions.

Chapter 373, F.S., Water Resources

Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., Surface Water Quality Standards

Chapter 373.4145, F.S., Permitting Program within the Geographical Jurisdiction of the Northwest Florida Water Management District

Chapter 403, F.S., Environmental Control.

Chapter 62-25, F.A.C., Regulations of Stormwater Discharge

Chapter 62-312, F.A.C., Dredge and Fill Activities

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C., State 404 Program

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C., State 404 Program Applicant’s Handbook