District Procurement

Notice to Potential Bidders

The Northwest Florida Water Management District is excited to announce a partnership with DemandStar for competitive bid solicitations.

To streamline its bid system and to enhance the integrity of its bid openings, the District switched to an online service with DemandStar for competitive solicitations issued on or after October 1, 2023. This will simplify the current process and enhance the transparency of all contracts administered by the District.

Beginning JANUARY 1, 2024, all bid submissions will be accepted through DemandStar only.

District bid solicitations will continue to be posted on the District website and the Vendor Information Portal as well as DemandStar.

Current or potential District vendors can join DemandStar for free. Vendors not registered in DemandStar are highly encouraged to register now. Vendors registered in DemandStar will receive automatic email notifications for District solicitations matching your goods or services, and you can submit bids or proposals electronically in DemandStar. No more printing of hard copies and dropping off in person or paying a third-party carrier for delivery will be required. To register, please visit the DemandStar website at:  www.demandstar.com/app/registration or click here:  DemandStar

For additional information about the District’s switch to DemandStar, please consult the DemandStar FAQ page.

For instructions on how to complete a free registration with DemandStar, please consult the District’s DemandStar overview.


The Northwest Florida Water Management District purchases goods and services from vendors throughout the state and nation. The overall mission of procurement is to acquire goods and services in a responsive manner through contractual mechanisms that support District initiatives, using procedures of integrity and fairness, which also encourage diversity and are consistent with applicable laws, policies, and procedures.

Procurement Opportunities

Notices of Solicitations and related documents are posted on this site. These documents, along with archived solicitation documents, can also be found on the State of Florida’s Vendor Bid System by clicking “Search Advertisements,” selecting “Northwest Fla Water Management Dist” for the Agency, and then “Advertisement Search.”

Please note

Some of these documents may include embedded attachments. In order to view them properly, open the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader (https://get.adobe.com/reader).

Viewing these documents in Chrome or Edge will not present you with the attachment pane.

*These bid openings have the following agenda: Introductions, Opening of Solicitations, and Adjournment

Some of these documents may include pages larger than 8.5″ x 11″. If your printer is not capable of printing pages larger than 8.5″ x 11″ paper, you may choose “Fit to Page” on the Adobe Reader’s Print menu, or you may contact the responsible staff member, as indicated in the document, to see if the oversized pages are available in printed form.  Click on the file name to view the solicitation document in Adobe Acrobat® format.

You should check this site prior to the bid deadline to see if any addendums to the solicitation have been posted.