Devils Swamp
Devils Swamp Mitigation Area / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Walton County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.3.4
Approximately 2,660 acres of Devils Swamp were acquired from the St. Joe Company in 2001. It is located on the Choctawhatchee floodplain, and is contiguous with other NWFWMD lands. Devils Swamp was a heavily logged, depressional swamp system prior to acquisition by the NWFWMD, although historically it was likely a characteristic bay swamp. Restoration activities undertaken at Devils Swamp since acquisition have included revegetation of selected areas with appropriate wetland species, hydrologic restoration via low-water-crossings, ditch plugs, removal of an earthen berm that was blocking natural hydrologic flows, and construction of a bridge, limited wiregrass seeding, control of feral hogs, and implementation of long-term natural resource management including proper fire regime. Much of Devils Swamp had been bedded and converted to pine production by the previous land owner, although remnant cypress and blackgum remained in the wetter sections. Prior to logging and conversion to pine production, common tree species may have included sweetbay, slash pine, swamp bay, loblolly bay, blackgum, cypress, sweetgum, red maple, water oak and diamond-leaf oak. Understory species may have included wax myrtle, titi, pepperbush, fetterbush, gallberry, and various vines. Groundcover may have included sphagnum moss, ferns, sedges and various grasses.