Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank

Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank (Public) / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Washington County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.3.1

The 2,155.3-acre Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank (SHLMB), owned and managed by the NWFWMD, is preserving and restoring wetlands, karst lakes and associated upland buffers.  It also provides public access for hiking, fishing, and hunting.  Wetlands mitigation includes restoration of natural hydroperiods and reestablishment of hydric pine flatwoods and wet prairie.  Upland enhancement includes elimination of pine plantations and restoration toward sandhill communities, and burn management.  Post-restoration communities will consist of approximately 850 acres of wetlands, 150 acres of natural lakes and ponds, and 1,150 acres of uplands.  Uplands management will include restoration and perpetual management of ~650 acres of longleaf pine / wiregrass community, and the preservation and perpetual management of ~500 acres of mesic uplands dominated by oaks and pine.  Attainment of all success criteria will yield 284.03 WRAP credits and 299.4 Florida UMAM credits.

Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) (February 2006)

USACE Permit SAJ-2002-5061 NW-DEB (5/17/2006)

FDEP Permit No. 0227351-001 (9/6/2005)

FDEP Permit No. 0227351-001 MOD 18 (1/17/2017)

Federal (USACE) Credit Ledger

State (FDEP) Credit Ledger

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