SR 123 (from north of Toms Creek to north of Turkey Creek) [411102-3]

SR 123 (from north of Toms Creek to north of Turkey Creek) / FDOT FPID 411102-3 / #NW69 / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Okaloosa County

Per FDOT, road improvements on SR 123 (from north of Toms Creek to north of Turkey Creek) impacted 2.40 acres of wetlands. This impact does not lie within the service area of any mitigation bank. In accordance with federal and state permits, mitigation consisted of debiting 6.90 credits at the NWFWMD Lafayette Creek ILF Mitigation Area.

SAJ-2013-01012 SP-AWP (10/8/2013)

SAJ-2013-01012 SP-AWP (w/attachments; 16 MB)

FDEP Permit 46-0314567-002-SI (5/22/2012)

ILF Credit Debit Notification (Federal)

Okaloosa Darter Website (USFWS)

USFWS Biological Opinion

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