SR 281 (Avalon Blvd. from I-10 to north of CSX Railroad) [220412-7]

SR 281 (Avalon Blvd. from I-10 to north of CSX Railroad) / FDOT FPID 220412-7 / #NW44 / Pensacola Bay System Watershed / Santa Rosa County

Per US Army Corps Permit SAJ-2009-02899 IP-RLT, issued 5/18/2010, widening of SR 281 (Avalon Blvd.) from I-10 to north of the CSX Railroad impacted 9.3 acres of wetlands, with a UMAM functional loss of 4.14 units. Offsetting mitigation was accomplished via purchase of 3.18 herbaceous credits and 0.96 forested credits from the Garcon Peninsula Mitigation Bank.

SAJ-2009-02899 IP-RLT (5/18/2010)

FDEP 57-0216580-004-DF (4/27/2010)

FDEP GPMB Credit Mod

Credit Bill of Sale (12/7/2010)

GPMB Credit Bid (10/8/2010)

PBMB Credit Bid (10/10/2010)

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