SR 4 Blackwater River Bridge [432828-1]

SR 4 Blackwater River Bridge / FDOT FPID 432828-1 / Pensacola Bay System Watershed / Okaloosa County

Per FDEP permit, replacement of the SR 4 Blackwater River Bridge permanently impacts 1.74 acres of jurisdictional wetlands (the USACE permit identifies permanent impacts as 1.73 acres).  Offsetting mitigation has been implemented via debiting of 1.09 federal / 1.10 state credits from the NWFWMD Yellow River Ranch ILF site.  No private mitigation bank was available to offset this impact.

SAJ-2012-01676 NW-RLT (5/25/2018)

FDEP 46-0312347-002-EI (7/29/2016)

Federal Credit Debit Notification (7/9/2018)

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