I-10 Escambia Weigh Station [222444-1]

I-10 Escambia Weigh Station / FDOT FPID 222444-1 / #NW08 / Perdido River and Bay Watershed / Escambia County

Per the FDOT Environmental Impact Inventory, construction of a weigh station on I-10 in Escambia Co. impacted 2.03 acres of forested wetlands.  This impact was authorized by USACE Permit SAJ-1999-03665 (NW-CP) issued 3/20/00.  Offsetting mitigation has been accomplished via acquisition of the 54.73-acre Schluter parcel and its incorporation into the Escambia County Jones Swamp Preserve.

SAJ-1999-03665 NW-CP Modification No. 1 (2/17/2010)

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