Plum Creek

Plum Creek Mitigation Area / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Washington County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.3.11

Acquired December, 2009 from the Plum Creek Timber Company, the goal of this mitigation project is the preservation and restoration of approximately 130 acres of wetlands and associated upland buffers along Holmes Creek.  Approximately 70 acres of upland buffers will be restored to native longleaf pine forest (FLUCCS 411), 30 acres of forested wetlands (FLUCCS 630 with minor inclusions of FLUCCS 625) will be preserved, and another 30 acres of forested wetlands (FLUCCS 630) will be restored via hydrologic enhancements (i.e., removal of a beaver dam, control of beaver populations, and possible further hydrologic enhancements downstream of the site) coupled with planting of appropriate wetland species including cypress and tupelo.  Perpetual ecological management strategies will include prescribed fire.

Plum Creek Mitigation Plan

Plum Creek USACE JD Form

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