Meginnis Arm

Meginnis Arm Mitigation Area / Ochlockonee River and Bay Watershed / Leon County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.6.2

The goal of this project is exotic/invasive plant species eradication and restoration of shoreline wetland vegetation on 17 acres at Meginnis Arm (Lake Jackson).   Restoration activities implemented include eradication of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) and other exotic/invasive plant infestations, and planting appropriate wetland species including button bush, pickerel weed, arrowhead, soft rush, and cypress.  This mitigation is being implemented to offset FDOT impacts associated with widening of I-10 in Leon County (I-10 from Ochlockonee River / Rest Area to west of CR 361).

Exotics at Meginniss Arm

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