Bluff Springs

Bluff Springs Mitigation Area / Pensacola Bay System Watershed / Escambia County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.2.4

The NWFWMD acquired the approximately 322-acre Bluff Springs tract in late 2004.  This tract adjoins extensive NWFWMD landholdings on the Escambia River floodplain that were already owned and managed for ecological integrity by the NWFWMD.  According to NWI maps, 251 acres of the Bluff Springs tract are wetlands (almost all forested wetlands) and 71 acres are upland forest.  Approximately 7 acres of the wetlands are abandoned sand and gravel pits (unused since 1945).  The Bluff Springs tract was purchased as mitigation for FDOT wetland impacts, and is being used to offset impacts associated with replacement of the US 90 Escambia River Bridge.

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