Salters Lake

Salters Lake Mitigation Area / Pensacola Bay System Watershed / Escambia County

The purpose of this mitigation project is to enhance the hydrology of a forested wetland slough near Salters Lake in the Escambia River floodplain via installation of one low-water-crossing (LWC).  In May 2019, a management access road that impeded and interfered with natural hydrologic flows and moisture regimes associated with this slough was modified via construction of a LWC.  Removal of this impediment enhanced the hydrologic functional value of the existing forested wetland.  Under section 373.4137, Florida Statutes, this project was implemented to offset wetland impacts associated with replacement of the Hanks Road Bridge at Breastworks Branch (no private wetland mitigation bank options were available to FDOT for this impact).

Salters Lake Mitigation Plan

FDEP Exemption 0364249-001-EE-17 (5/17/2018)

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