Perdido I
Perdido I Mitigation Area / Perdido River and Bay Watershed / Escambia County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.1.2
In 2006, the NWFWMD purchased 5,456 acres of wetlands and forested upland buffers in the Perdido watershed from the International Paper Company (IP) and established the Perdido River Water Management Area (WMA). These lands are being preserved and managed for ecological integrity in perpetuity. Long-term natural resource management activities may include, where appropriate, prescribed fire, exotics control, road closures, erosion stabilization, restoration of vegetation communities, hydrologic improvements and other BMPs. Although a majority of funding for this acquisition came from Florida Forever Trust Funds, mitigation funding ($480,000) associated with construction of the US 90 Escambia County weigh station (CORPS Permit SAJ-2001-1661 IP-DEB) augmented the purchase. 220 acres of this purchase were dedicated to mitigating the US 90 Escambia County Weigh Station impacts and constitutes Perdido I Mitigation Area at the Perdido River WMA.