SR 300 St. George Island-Bryant Patton Bridge [218772-1]

SR 300 St. George Island-Bryant Patton Bridge / FDOT FPID 218772-1 / #NW09 / Apalachicola River and Bay Watershed / Franklin County

Per the FDOT Environmental Impact Inventory, replacement of the SR 300 Bryant Patton Bridge (St. George Island Bridge) in Franklin Co. impacted 0.30 acre of sea grass. Offsetting wetlands mitigation was initiated in 2004 at Cat Point Breakwater and Marsh Mitigation Area to fulfill mitigation requirements under FDEP Permit 190167204001-DF.  No mitigation was required by USACE Permit SAJ-2000-120 GP-DAB.

FDEP Permit 19-0167204-001 DF

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