SR 69 Graves Creek Bridge [423234-1]

SR 69 Graves Creek Bridge / FDOT FPID 423234-1 / #NW57 / Apalachicola River and Bay Watershed / Calhoun County

Per federal and state permits, replacement of the SR 69 Graves Creek Bridge impacts 0.74 acres of non-forested wetlands.  No mitigation is specified by the USACE permit, whereas the FDEP states that mitigation shall be in accordance with section 373.4137, FS.  No private mitigation bank option was available for this impact.  Mitigation was accomplished in July, 2016 via debiting 0.74 credits from the Tates Hell – Sumatra Unit ILF Site NWFWMD credit ledger.

SAJ-2012-02025 NW-AWP (8/24/2012)

FDEP Permit No. 07-0312650-001-E)I (9/14/2012

Permit Engineering Drawings

Mitigation Attachment

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