Brickyard Road Bridge at Molino [422897-1]

Brickyard Road at Molino / FDOT FPID 422897-1 / #NW72 / Pensacola Bay System Watershed (Escambia River) / Escambia County

Per federal and state permits, replacement of a bridge on Brickyard Road in Molino impacted 0.50 acres of highly degraded palustrine wetlands (roadside ditches and forested wetlands).  Offsetting mitigation, consisting of hydrologic improvements to forested, floodplain wetlands, has been implemented at Cotton Creek Road on NWFWMD lands approximately five miles north of the impact.  This impact was not within the service area of any mitigation bank.

SAJ-2013-00295 NW-AWP (5/31/2013)

Engineering Drawings

Mitigation Attachment

ERP Permit 1452 (1/31/2013)

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