CR 489 (Stefani Road Bridge at Unnamed Creek) [430004-1]

CR 489 (Stefani Road Bridge at Unnamed Creek) / FDOT FPID 430004-1 / #NW70 / Perdido River and Bay Watershed / Escambia County

Replacement of a bridge on CR 489 / Stefani Road at an unnamed creek impacted an estimated 0.50 acres of jurisdictional wetlands.  Mitigation consisted of debiting 0.24 palustrine forested credits from the Dutex ILF Mitigation Area.  This impact is not within the service area of any private mitigation bank.

SAJ-2013-00507 NW-AWP (4/12/2013)

ERP Permit 1460 (2/15/2013)

ILF Federal Debit Request Letter (6/23/2015)

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