SR 77 (from Burnt Mill Creek to SR 20) [217948-2]

SR 77 (from Burnt Mill Creek to SR 20) / FPID 217948-2 / NW19 / St. Andrew Bay Watershed / Bay County

Per the FDOT Environmental Impact Inventory, four-laning SR 77 in Bay County from Burnt Mill Creek to SR 20 impacted 5.0 acres of forested wetlands.  Four-laning another segment of SR 77 (from CR 2300 to Burnt Mill Creek) impacted an additional 27.13 acres of forested wetlands.  These two road segments (32.13 acres total impact) were permitted together by US Army Corps Permit SAJ-2001-06577 (IP-GAH), issued 3/7/03.  In accordance with SAJ-2001-06577 (IP-AWP) Modification #3, issued 2/10/10, mitigation has been implemented that consists of debiting 33.36 federal/state credits from the Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank credit ledger and 10.69 credits from the Ward Creek West ILF credit ledger.

SAJ-2001-06577 IP-AWP MOD #3 (2/10/2010)

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