SR 77 (from 1 mile north of Wausau to CR 276) [217909-7]

SR 77 (from 1 mile north of Wausau to CR 276) / FDOT FPID 217909-7 / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Washington County

Widening of SR 77 from 1 mile north of Wausau to CR 276 impacts approximately 14.10 acres of jurisdictional wetlands.  Impacts to palustrine forested wetlands were mitigated in December 2016 by FDOT via purchase of 11.65 federal / 10.20 state credits from the Nokuse Plantation Mitigation Bank State (FDEP) permitters required “type-for-type” mitigation to offset impacts to palustrine emergent wetlands.  Because Nokuse Plantation Mitigation Bank (a privately-owned mitigation bank) does not offer palustrine emergent credits, impacts to palustrine emergent wetlands were mitigated at the Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank via debiting 2.28 state freshwater herbaceous (i.e., palustrine emergent) UMAM credits.  The NWFWMD mitigation program established under section 373.4137, Florida Statutes, provides mitigation options to FDOT only when use of a private mitigation bank is not feasible.

SAJ-2016-2194 RGP-RLT (10/26/2016)

FDEP Permit 67-0345639-001-EI (11/22/2016)

SHLMB Credit Debit Request (State)

Credit Debit Verification (State)

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