St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve – Treasure Road

St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve – Treasure Road / St. Andrew Bay Watershed / Gulf County / Legacy ID – UWRMP 5.4.14

This mitigation project enhances the hydrologic regime of forested palustrine wetlands at the St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve.  It will consist of installation of six low-water-crossings and associated ditch plugs along Treasure Road.  Treasure road (labeled “Country Club Rd” on Google Maps), a dirt road raised above natural grade and necessary for management access, disrupts the natural hydrology of adjacent hydric pine flatwoods and other wetlands by interfering with overland sheet flows and altering wetland moisture regimes.  Implementation of this project will offset wetland functional loss associated with FDOT road improvements on SR 30A (from SR 30E/Cape San Blas Road north to US 98).  [Mitigation implemented August/September, 2013.]

Mitigation Plan

SAJ-2012-02348 MOD-AWP Modification #1

ERP Permit Exemption

JD Form

NWFWMD Eastern Indigo Protection Plan

ITB 13B-006 (Closed) w/Bid Tabulation

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