Blackwater River Water Management Area


Camping Reservation System

Property Map

Interactive Recreation Map


The District owns several non-contiguous parcels scattered along the Blackwater River near Milton, totaling just under 381 acres. Natural communities found on lands owned by the District in this area include hardwood swamps, marshes and wetlands. Some of the most beautiful stands of Atlantic white cedar in the state are also found along the banks of the Blackwater River and its tributaries. Recreational opportunities on the District’s Blackwater River Water Management Area include picnicking at Ollinger Bruce Park, hiking the Old River Trail, and paddling from the Old River Canoe Launch at Russell Harber Landing Park. These recreational amenities on District lands are cooperatively managed through a partnership with the City of Milton.

Environmental Importance

The 381 acres of river floodplain that make up the Blackwater River Water Management Area were purchased to preserve and protect the water resources of the Blackwater River.


Counties: Santa Rosa           Nearby City/Town: Milton

Recreation Opportunities

  • Picnicking, boat ramp, boating, fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, hiking, wildlife viewing.
  • A small pavilion and picnic area with a portable toilet is located south of Ollinger Boat Ramp.
  • Hikers can hike Old River Trail, which runs through the Blackwater River Water Management Area.
  • Kayakers can use the kayak launch on Russell Harbor Landing Park.
  • Download maps showing the Blackwater River Paddling Trail by clicking here.


ATV’s are prohibited.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.