Tom Johns Landing

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Location: 4479 Thomas Drive; Chipley, Florida 32425

County: Washington

Nearby Town: Fountain

Latitude/Longitude: 30.508054, -85.541514

Located 22 miles south of downtown Chipley, Tom Johns Landing is a popular camping and fishing spot within the Econfina Creek Water Management Area. For visitors traveling from Highway 77, head east on Greenhead Road until turning north on Porter Pond Road. Visitors traveling from State Road 20 can simply head north on Porter Pond Road slightly west of the bridge at Econfina Creek. Signs with directional arrows and distances are located at each major intersection along Porter Pond Road.

The turn onto Thomas Drive, which leads directly into Tom Johns Landing, is clearly marked with a directional arrow.

The Landing is situated at the north end of Porter Lake and features fishing, a pavilion, picnic tables, fire rings, pedestal grills and a portable toilet.

A boat ramp is available and boating, canoeing, and kayaking are popular activities at the site.

Four campsites are available by reservation. Two of those sites are for tent-only (no RVs) camping. The other two sites can be used for tents, travel trailers, and RVs. (While RV camping is allowed at the two sites, power, water, or waste disposal hookups are not available.)

Each site can hold a maximum of eight people per site.

Day-use is permitted from sunrise to sunset in the designated day-use area.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Camping, RV’s, picnicking, boat ramp, boating, fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, wildlife viewing


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.

Alcoholic beverages prohibited.