SR 79 (from CR 279 to Cypress Creek) [220773-7]

SR 79 (from CR 279 to Cypress Creek) / FDOT FPID 220773-7 / #NW46 / Choctawhatchee River and Bay Watershed / Washington County

Per federal and state permits, widening of SR 79 from CR 279 to Cypress Creek impacted 2.809 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Offsetting mitigation has been accomplished via debiting 1.31 Federal Credits / 2.00 State Credits from the Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank

SAJ-2012-03021 SP-AWP (3/7/2013)

SAJ-2012-03021 SP-AWP (Attachments)

ERP Permit 1420 (10/26/2012)

SHLMB Credit Notification (Federal)

SHLMB Credit Debit Request (State)

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