Old River Canoe Launch

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Location: 6429-6483 Old River Road

County: Santa Rosa      Nearby Town: Milton

Latitude/Longitude: 30.630748, -87.029539


At the other end of the Old River Trail sits the Old River Canoe Launch, which provides access to the Blackwater River for paddlers.

The launch is also a favorite spot for anglers who are hoping to catch bream or striped bass.

The Old River Canoe Launch is nestled into the back end of Russell Harber Landing Park, which is managed by the City of Milton. The park features picnic tables, riverfront benches for wildlife viewing, pavilions, and plenty of space for any number of outdoor activities.

From the park, visitors can also access a half-mile long trail that ends at Old River Trail and Whiting Park, a restricted-access park maintained by the U.S. Navy.

The wide, well-maintained walking trail has several benches along the way ideal for wildlife viewing as well as interpretive signage spotlighting the various species of trees and animals that may be viewed during the walk.

The trail is a low-impact, flat course often used for exercise and fitness by local residents.

The Blackwater River is also a Florida Designated Paddling Trail.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, wildlife viewing


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.