Lafayette Creek Tract

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Location: 3745 J W Hollington Rd

County: Walton      Nearby Town: Freeport

Latitude/Longitude: 30.526613, -86.048613


Located approximately 10 miles northeast of Freeport, Lafayette Creek serves as the trailhead for the Lafayette East and Lafayette West entry points for the Florida Trail – a highly popular hiking trail that is 1,300 miles long and is a Congressional-designated National Scenic Trail.

Once on this section of the Florida Trail, hikers will traverse steephead ravines and floodplain swamps and see pine plantations being restored to longleaf habitat.

Seasonal hunting is permitted within this area, so be sure to check hunt dates and locations before planning a hike.

To follow the wooded trail, look for the orange blazes that will mark the path.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Camping, hiking, wildlife viewing


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.