Burnt Sock Landing

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Location: Johnson Road

County: Washington

Nearby Town: 2943 Johnson Road, Bonifay, FL 32425

Latitude/Longitude: 30.67903, -85.66397


Located south of Bonifay and north of Vernon off Highway 79, Burnt Sock Landing is a recreation site that allows public access to Holmes Creek.

Visitors can launch canoes, kayaks, or small boats from a recently improved launch site. A parking area with a portable toilet is available for use sunrise to sunset.

Burnt Sock Landing is an ideal entry point for a leisurely paddle down Holmes Creek. About an hour downstream, paddlers can take a break at Cotton Landing and then quickly paddle over to Cypress Spring – one of 57 documented springs on the creek.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, wildlife viewing
  • Seasonal hunting


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.

Alcoholic beverages prohibited.