Rattlesnake Lake North

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Location: 5066 Rattlesnake Pond Road; Chipley, Florida 32425

County: Washington

Nearby Town: Youngstown

Latitude/Longitude: 30.4613, -85.564013

Rattlesnake Lake North offers a boat ramp, picnic pavilion, pedestal grill, fire ring, and portable toilet. Overnight camping is available by reservation only.   This site can hold a maximum of 25 people.

The Day Use area and boat ramp are open daily from dawn to dusk.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Camping, RV’s, picnicking, boating, boat ramp, fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, hiking, biking, wildlife viewing


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.

Alcoholic beverages prohibited.

From Thanksgiving Day through the first Wednesday in February, this site is available for day use only (no overnight camping allowed).