Little Williams

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Location: 350 N. Century Boulevard, Walnut Hill, FL

County: Escambia      Nearby Town: Pensacola

Latitude/Longitude: 30.8772, -87.313285


Located approximately 40 miles north of Pensacola off Highway 29 and slightly north of the small community of McDavid, Little Williams Recreation Area is a day-use area featuring a single-lane boat launch.

Access to the boat launch comes from a winding dirt road that is not advisable for smaller vehicles. Following heavy rains, parts of the road leading into the recreation site can be under water.

The launch itself is a steep decline and is best suited for canoes, kayaks, and small boats.

The boat launch provides access to the Escambia River, the fourth-largest river in Florida and home to more than 85 native freshwater fish species.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, wildlife viewing.


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.